摘要: In a recent paper by one of us the theory auger effect has been discussed and calculations carried out magnitude X-ray K series fluorescence yield for elements atomic number low enough to justify neglect relativistic effects. The comparison these theoretical results with experiment revealed sufficiently good agreement extension high taking account As Auger is capable direct accurate experimental investigation any appreciable modification could be tested quantitatively. Such test special importance owing somewhat meagre evidence quantitative validity Dirac's equations electron applied phenomena. Thus predicted polarization an beam on double scattering heavy nuclei received no confirmation, not provided exact observed values internal conversion coefficients γ-rays. On other hand, conspicuous success in its application fine structure spectra, hard γ-radiation, pair formation general makes it difficult believe can markedly incorrect. Moreover, as concerned interaction two electrons only dealt relativistically electrons. No method doing this yet discovered, but Mϕller, correspondence principle method, obtained invariant formula probability transitions involving electrons-including retardation effects spin-spin interaction-which may expected hold first approximation. Comparison those calculated using Mϕller's thus provide test, one-electron theory, also approximation