摘要: Ichthyological investigations in Florida have paralleled those of the United States general. The last 25 years 19th century was a period intense interest fishes and elsewhere, followed by hiatus fish that lasted until end World War II, with important exception work Henry W. Fowler (1945). After 1945, studies fisheries expanded quickly continued at rapid pace. Studies river ecology, prominent only past decade, matured into an active discipline abundant literature. Although space does not permit exhaustive review literature pertinent to riverine Florida, some major references may be mentioned. In addition published works, majority postwar material on ecology is contained reports Game Fresh Water Fish Commission, Department Natural Resources, Environmental Regulation, state Management Districts. Significant include Bailey et al. (1954), whose analysis Escambia River assemblages represents one first efforts consider as whole. Mettee (1970) discussed distribution Choctawhatchee system, Yerger (1977) summarized knowledge Apalachicola fishes. Swift defined Ochlockonee zoogeography region. McLane (1955) Tagatz (1968) St. Johns River.