摘要: Instrumentation for the generation and detection of transient species.- Flash photolysis.- Pulse radiolysis.- Time-resolved fluorescence dyes bio-medical relevance: Influence environment.- Nonexponential decay in tryptophan tryptophan-containing peptides proteins.- resonance Raman spectroscopy.- photolysis NMR.- Time domain ESR.- photoacoustic photothermal methods: Application to substances biological interest.- Spectro-electrochemistry: Porphyrins Metalloporphyrins.- Activated oxygen.- The historical development ideas on applications photosensitized reactions health sciences.- Drug-DNA interaction.- Some properties furocoumarin (FC) excited states.- Photoreactions furocoumarins (psoralens angelicins).- Biological medicinal aspects Photochemistry porphyrins bile pigments homogeneous solution.- Molecular cellular mechanisms photomedicine: microheterogenous environments.- Cell photosensitization by psoralens porphyrins.- cancer treatment.- Skin light.- Lasers surgery medicine.- Classification mode action sun filter sunblock products.- Participants.