作者: Cristina B. Gibson , Susan G. Cohen
摘要: Part 1: Establishing the Foundation: Shared Understanding, Integration, & Trust.Introduction: Trust (Susan G. Cohen and Cristina B. Gibson).Chapter In Beginning: Introduction Framework 2: Knowledge Sharing And Understanding Virtual Teams (Pamela Hinds Suzanne Weisband).Chapter 3: Managing The Global New Product Development Network: A Sensemaking Perspective Albers Mohrman, Janice A. Klein, David Finegold).Chapter 4: Building Trust: Effective Multi-Cultural Communication Processes in (Cristina Gibson Jennifer Manuel).Summary: Foundation Gibson).Part Raw Materials: People Context.Introduction: Context Susan Cohen).Chapter 5: a Winning Team: KSAs, Selection, Training, Evaluation (Richard Blackburn, Stacie Furst, Benson Rosen).Chapter 6: Pay Systems for (Edward E. Lawler III).Chapter 7: Meeting Performance Challenge: Calculating ROI (Alec R. Levenson Cohen).Summary: Materials Cohen).Part Constructing Design: Leadership, Management Information Sharing.Introduction: 8: Exploring Emerging Leadership (Kristi Lewis Tyran, Craig K. Morgan Shepherd).Chapter 9: Designing Knowledge-Management Infrastructure Teams: Using Social Networks Capital (Martha L. Maznevski Nicholas Athanassiou).Chapter 10: Overcoming Barriers to (Catherine Durnell Cramton Kara Orvis).Summary: Design Wiring that Connects: Implementing Technology.Introduction: Technology 11: Context, Task Evolution of Use (Kenneth Riopelle, Julia Gluesing, Tara Alcordo, Marietta Baba, Britt, Willie McKether, Leslie Monplaisir, Hilary Ratner, Kimberly Harris Wagner).Chapter 12: Alignment Adaptation Involved Unstructured Work (Nelson King Ann Majchrzak).Chapter 13: Team or Community Practice Aligning Tasks, Structures Technologies (Arjan Raven).Summary: Connects It's All About Action: Development.Introduction: 14: Influence Political (Efrat Elron Eran Vigoda).Chapter 15: Conflict (Terri Griffith, Elizabeth Mannix, Margaret Neale).Chapter 16: (Julia Wagner, Kenneth Riopelle).Chapter 17: Closing Time Gap (Janice Klein Astrid Kleinhanns).Summary: Action 18: Last Word: Conclusions Implications Cohen).