摘要: A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) can be either a biological SBR (BIO-SBR) or physicochemical (PC-SBR). BIO-SBR includes traditional sedimentation SBR, innovative flotation (BIO-DAF-SBR), membrane (MBR-SBR), aerobic digestion (AD-SBR), etc. All PC-SBR are processes including at least (PC-SED-SBR), (PC-DAF-SBR), (PC-membrance-SBR), granular activated carbon (PC-GAC-SBR), powdered (PC-PAC-SBR), and ion exchange (PC-IX-SBR). Although all introduced, special emphasis of this chapter is placed on which used for wastewater treatment aerobically (bio-oxidation nitrification), anoxically/anaerobically (denitrifi-cation). The advantages, disadvantages, applications, performance, theory, operation, maintenance, design presented in detail. Eleven examples case studies both reported.