作者: Pariya Salami
摘要: RESUME: L’anevrisme intracrânien est une deformation de la paroi d'une artere du cerveau qui provoque dilatation localisee vaisseau sanguin. Les anevrismes non traites peuvent se dechirer et causer hemorragie sous-arachnoidienne (SAH) et, dans certains cas, des accidents vasculaires cerebraux. Les traitements courants sont chirurgie les endovasculaires. Le traitement endovasculaire le plus populaire l'embolisation a l'aide spirales ete proposee par G. Guglielmi en 1991 (ces endoprotheses ayant forme arrondie d'un ressort). Cette methode, actuellement utilisee pour traiter environ 80% cerebraux, consiste inserer un catheter l'aorte, puis guider vers desire facon platine l'interieur l'anevrisme. Ces induisent coagulation l’obstruction l’anevrysme. Un probleme possible que l'anevrisme ainsi traite peut recanaliser apres quelques mois raisons inconnues. Bien mecanismes recanalisation demeurent incertains, l'une hypotheses celle-ci provient l'endothelium denudation endotheliale pourrait prevenir cette recanalisation. Certaines methodes endotheliales ont deja etudiees, telles l'abrasion mecanique avec dispositif col-pont anevrismal (aneurismal neck-bridge device, ANBD) cryoablation. deux toutefois presente resultats desires. La nouvelle methode etudiee ce memoire l'ablation thermique courant radiofrequence (radiofrequency ablation, RFA), suggeree J. Raymond.----------Abstract: Cerebral aneurysm is weakness in the wall of cerebral artery which causes localized dilation or ballooning blood vessel. Untreated aneurysms brain may rupture and cause subarachnoid hemorrhage some cases, stroke. Treatment be surgical endovascular treatments. The most popular treatment coil embolization, first introduced with controlled detachment by 1991. This method, currently used to treat approximately aneurysms, consists inserting aorta then guiding it desired region vasculature insert small platinum coils inside aneurysm. These induce clotting occlude aneurysms. A problem that occluded can recanalized after months because unknown reasons. Though exact mechanism responsible for recanalization remains unclear, one related endothelium endothelial prevent recanalization. Some methods have been previously investigated, such as mechanical abrasion aneurismal device (ANBD) Both showed undesirable results. new method investigated this memoir radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Based on preliminary vivo studies, believed RFA effective improving results embolization. main objective our project investigate effects current applied an temperature distribution perianeurysmal tissues so optimize energy delivery process. To achieve goal, inductive resistive characteristics embolization coils, well length shape electrode was using computer modeling approach. In vitro experiments were also performed validate simulations. Based study, we conclude should not direct application RF current. steel applicator placed center more appropriate. Also, 6 10 mm optimized generation uniform distribution. Finally, animal studies further promising