Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Animal Manure - Consequences of Its Application in Agriculture.

作者: Magdalena Popowska , Magdalena Zalewska , Aleksandra Błażejewska , Agnieszka Czapko

DOI: 10.3389/FMICB.2021.610656


摘要: Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are a relatively new type of pollutant. The rise in antibiotic observed recently is closely correlated with the uncontrolled and widespread use antibiotics agriculture treatment humans animals. Resistant bacteria have been identified soil, animal feces, housing (e.g., pens, barns, or pastures), areas around farms, manure storage facilities, guts farm selection pressure caused by irrational production sectors not only promotes survival existing antibiotic-resistant but also development resistant forms. One most critical hot-spots related to dissemination ARGs livestock poultry production. Manure widely used as fertilizer thanks its rich nutrient organic matter content. However, research indicates that application may pose severe threat human health facilitating arable soil edible crops. This review examines pathogens, potentially pathogenic microorganisms which be found manure, evaluates their effect on through exposure plant resistomes. It takes broader view than previous studies this topic, discussing recent data animals these practices composition manure; it how fertilization alter crop microbiomes, proposes drivers such changes consequences for health.

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