作者: Byoungnam Min , Baojun Wu , Jill Gaskell , Jiwei Zhang , Christina Toapanta
摘要: (Pezizomycotina)[1, 2], but absent during meiosis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Taphrinomycotina)[2]. In Basidiomycota, the first RNA-editing report was from Ganoderma lucidum, a mushroom-forming species of Polyporales, also during fruiting body formation [3]. Afterwards, Wu et al. reported RNA-editing events in vegetative mycelia of five other species of Polyporales [4, 5]. It was noted that the editing patterns of both G. lucidum and the five Polyporales fungi were not only different from the typical A-to-I editing but also showed that transitions (A-> G, G-> A, C-> U, U-> C) were preferred over transversions, leading mainly to synonymous changes in contrast to missense changes found in filamentous ascomycetes [3-5].Wu et al. predicted RNA-editing sites by aligning transcriptomic reads to the reference genome assembly. However, that approach assumes that the reference assembly is complete …