Citizen science in Flanders: Can we count on you

作者: Violet Soen , Tine Huyse , Niel Hens , Giovanni Samaey , Karolien Poels



摘要: The aim of this position paper is to raise awareness about the topic of Citizen Science among both researchers and the broader public in Flanders. The paper first explains the concept of Citizen Science, before sketching its historical background and its meaning in society today. It also reflects on the potential for involving broader communities in science, and gives examples of Citizen Science initiatives that have been set up in Flanders. Using the results of a survey on Citizen Science conducted among Flemish researchers, we provide four recommendations for scientists and scholars, academic stakeholders and the governing bodies of universities. Finally, we offer a series of tips, tricks and testimonials for researchers who would like to start Citizen Science projects of their own.EOS (Magazine for Science) and the Young Academy have created a Citizen Science portal which brings together a number of existing Citizen Science projects in Flanders: www. iedereenwetenschapper. be. We are convinced that this portal will eventually become both the starting point and the ideal platform for Citizen Science in Flanders (and beyond).
