作者: Annemarie H Hindman , Lori E Skibbe , Frederick J Morrison
摘要: 58 knowledge and sound awareness, which will later help children learn to decode (or sound out) novel words (Snow et al. 1998). In addition, early mathematics knowledge, such as concepts of number and shape as well as logical problem-solving skills, help children take advantage of later instruction in basic operations (NRC 2001, 2009). Finally, language (particularly vocabulary) enables children to make sense of instruction in literacy and mathematics, as well as to share and receive feedback on their own ideas (Catts and Kahmi 2005; Hindman et al. 2010). While teachers can provide high-quality classroom instruction in each of these areas, children benefit from consistent or complementary experiences at home and school, nurtured by school–family partnerships (Bronfenbrenner 2005; Epstein 2001; Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler 2005). To date, the bulk of the research and popular literatures, especially in …