Multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo with likelihood scaling for high-resolution data assimilation

作者: Pieter Vanmechelen , Geert Lombaert , Giovanni Samaey



摘要: We propose a multilevel Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for the Bayesian inference of random field parameters in PDEs using high-resolution data. Compared to existing multilevel MCMC methods, we additionally consider level-dependent data resolution and introduce a suitable likelihood scaling to enable consistent cross-level comparisons. We theoretically show that this approach attains the same convergence rates as when using level-independent treatment of data, but at significantly reduced computational cost. Additionally, we show that assumptions of exponential covariance and log-normality of random fields, widely held in multilevel Monte Carlo literature, can be extended to a wide range of covariance structures and random fields. These results are illustrated using numerical experiments for a 2D plane stress problem, where the Young's modulus is estimated from discretisations of the displacement field.
