Tools and Strategies for the Design and Evaluation of Score Reports: A training workshop

作者: D Zapata-Rivera , S Slater , A Zenisky , P Kannan , Gavin Brown



摘要: Score reports are often the primary means by which score users receive information about tests. Score report users often have different levels of familiarity with and understanding of not only the assessment but also the psychometrics behind the scores reported. Therefore, it is important that score reports, as primary communication tools, are developed so that the results presented are easy to understand and so that they support appropriate inferences for the intended score user. In alignment with this year’s conference theme of “Communicating with the Public about Educational Measurement”, this training session offers practitioners the tools, strategies, and best practices they need to design and evaluate score reports that are useful and interpretable by stakeholders in different contexts. In this session, we will use a combination of an interactive lecture format and hands-on practical experience, and equip the attendees with various hand-outs of effective tools and strategies for designing audience-centric score reports. Participants should bring their own laptops equipped with Microsoft PowerPoint to engage in the practical hands-on session. This session is based on the recent NCME Book on “Score Reporting Research and Applications” – a copy of the book will be included as part of session registration.
