Curative efficacy of slightly alkaline electrolyzed water treatment against Botrytis cinerea on  Granny Smith apples

作者: NE Nyamende , Z Keyser , ZA Belay , AB Oyenihi , OJ Caleb



摘要: Botrytis cinerea is one of the major causes of rotting in apple during postharvest storage and can cause significant economic loss. Over the years, numerous disinfection techniques have been used to maintain the quality and safety of fresh fruit, but the demand for safer alternatives grows. The aim of this study was to investigate the curative efficacy of a slightly alkaline electrolyzed water (SAl-EW) treatment (pH 6.7 and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP,> 800 mV)) against B. cinerea on ‘Granny Smith’apples. Apples were injured on opposite ends using a 3-mm cork-borer and the injured spots were inoculated with spore concentration of 1× 10 4 L‑1 of B. cinerea, and incubated at 20 C for 20 h to allow for spore germination. Thereafter, apples were dipped in different concentrations of SAl-EW (50 to 500 mg L‑1) for 15 min and stored at 5 C for 21 days. Measurements of the lesion zones were carried out weekly for …
