作者: Henriëtte L De Kock , Pulane Nkhabutlane , Rosemary I Kobue-Lekalake , Jeanine Kriek , Annelize Steyn
摘要: An alternative Food Neophobia Scale (FNS-A) was developed in three studies to measure food neophobia (reluctance to eat and avoidance of trying new foods). In Study 1, the original food neophobia scale, FNS (Pliner, & Hobden, 1992), was first critically examined leading to modifications in five and omission of two statements. Furthermore, eight positive and eight negative statements were elicited and introduced along with eight original or modified FNS statements to 575 respondents in South Africa, Lesotho, and Botswana. Study 2 (n=1010) was used to confirm the factorial structure of the scale, and Study 3 (n=141) was used to test the reliability of FNS-A through test-retest data. The structure of the scale was analyzed using exploratory (Study 1 and 2) and confirmatory (Study 2) factor analysis, eventually leading to four positive and four negative statements regarding new foods, loaded on two factors labelled …