Integrating Phase-Change Memory Cell With Ge Nanowire Diode for Crosspoint Memory—Experimental Demonstration and Analysis.... S. Kim, Y. Zhang, JP McVittie, H. Jagannathan, Y. Nishi, and H.-SP Wong 2307 Performance Comparison of Graphene Nanoribbon FETs With Schottky Contacts and Doped Reservoirs................................................. Y. Yoon, G. Fiori, S. Hong, G. Iannaccone, and J. Guo 2314 Optoelectronics, Displays, and Imaging

作者: Junctions G Eneman , M Wiot , A Brugere , O Sicart I Casain , S Sonde



摘要: Presents the table of contents for this issue of the periodical.
