摘要: In 2007 floods in the UK inundated 55,000 properties and were estimated to cause over£ 4 billion of damage. This triggered a national review of strategic flood risk management which identified the need for a complete overhaul and simplification of surface water management systems (Pitt, 2008). The result was the introduction of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA, 2010) in England and Wales, of which Schedule 3 requires the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) in new developments and identifies municipalities as being responsible for their approval, adoption and maintenance. Following a government consultation (Defra, 2014) where municipalities and housebuilders raised concerns over the approach, Schedule 3 was abandoned with the government opting to facilitate SuDS delivery through an amended planning system (eg TCPO, 2015). However, in contrast to the mandatory obligations set out in the FWMA (2010), this new approach only carries a presumption in favour SuDS. Subsequent experiences suggest that refusals to approve SuDS schemes remain high, with a lack of clarity over long-term adoption and maintenance issues again identified as a barrier to their implementation (UK CCRA, 2017).As evidence emerges that this approach has not led to the systematic, consistent implementation of SuDS, Defra (the UK Government department whose responsibilities include water policy development) are keen to see water and sewerage companies (WaSCs) adopt a more active stance towards SuDS adoption. There is now a material risk that if the industry does not proceed, Defra will impose a solution to the current …