作者: Francois Retief
摘要: The management of predators plays an important role in conservation management today because of the intensive management requirement of small fenced off protected areas. Apex predators such as spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, are situated at the top of food chains and have the ability to influence the composition and density of meso-predators and herbivores. Knowledge of apex predators through research can assist in effective management decisions which will ensure ecosystem functioning. Majete Wildlife Reserve (MWR) in the south of Malawi, is a 700km2 reserve, which had noinformation on the resident spotted hyena population until this study. The aims of this study were to gather and make available as much information as possible on the ecology of this apex predator in the reserve for management purposes. A total of 47 camera traps were stationed throughout the reserve for 22 months from 2013-2015 and from these data population size, the number of clans (groups), home range size and activity patterns were determined. Faecal analysis was performed to identify the preferred species preyed upon. The reserve has two small, low density resident spotted hyena populations, each with a large home range. These are distinct traits of hyenas residing in arid regions with a clumped resource distribution. The activity patterns of MWR hyenas were similar to East African hyenas in some aspects but peaks in activity differed between the two populations. A total of 17 prey species were identified, with some obvious preferred species. Based on the results from this study, is it recommended that management should make decisions which …