Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 15 ( 03) 1350013
C Schoeman , DIRK Cilliers , FRANCOIS Retief
Transportation, Land Use and Integration: Applications in Developing Countries 100 153 -153
Bond Alan , Pope Jenny , Retief Francois , Morrison-Saunders Angus
Annelia Douglas , Jan-Albertb Wessels , Felicitea Fairer-Wessels , Francoisb Retief
Francois Retief
Stads- en Streeksbeplanning 2008 ( 52) 6 -19
Angus Morrison-Saunders , Alan Bond , Alan Bond , Jenny Pope
Environmental Management 67 ( 2) 424 -435
Angus Morrison-Saunders , Alan Bond , Alan Bond , Jenny Pope
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 89 106596
Francois Retief , Angus Morrison-Saunders , Jenny Pope , Alan Bond
Retief, F., Morrison-Saunders, A. <, Angus.html>, Pope, J. <, Jennifer.html> and Bond, A. (2015) Key learnings from psychology for sustainability assessment. In: Morrison-Saunders, A., Pope, J. and Bond, A., (eds.) Handbook of sustainability assessment. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 403-424.
Angus Morrison-Saunders , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 36 ( 36) 34 -41
Jenny Pope , Alan Bond , Angus Morrison-Saunders , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 41 1 -9
Alan Bond , Jenny Pope , Angus Morrison-Saunders , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 45 46 -53
Angus Morrison-Saunders , Jenny Pope , Alan Bond , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 45 38 -45
Jan-Albert Wessels , Francois Retief , Angus Morrison-Saunders
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 50 178 -189
Alan Bond , Jenny Pope , Angus Morrison-Saunders , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 57 187 -194
Francois Retief , Alan Bond , Jenny Pope , Angus Morrison-Saunders
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 61 52 -60
Alan Bond , Jenny Pope , Francois Retief , Angus Morrison-Saunders
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 69 16 -23
Lydia Cape , Francois Retief , Paul Lochner , Thomas Fischer
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 69 32 -41
Jenny Pope , Alan Bond , Carolyn Cameron , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 70 34 -44
Marlene de Witt , Jenny Pope , Francois Retief , Alan Bond
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 75 1 -12
Alan Bond , Jenny Pope , Angus Morrison-Saunders , Francois Retief
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 86 106508