摘要: Background of the marketing development process, as a philosophy and activity of the modern corporation, is analyzed in this paper. The importance of marketing orientation is emphasized - what does it mean, and how the corporation can improve in that area. As long as some countries are facing problems in correctly understanding the basics and practical application of core marketing concepts, marketing itself goes through a process of change. That change in inevitable because marketing is becoming more strategically oriented. There are many reasons that make marketing change - some of them are the speed of environment and technology change, emphasized consumer consciousness, stronger competition, and increase in size and structure of the companies.Kao i kod definicije marketinga, gotovo isto toliko ima tumačenja marketinške orijentacije - onoga što predstavlja treći korak u poslovnoj praksi - toliko ima i autora koji su pisali o ovoj temi. Dajemo mali izbor interpretacija.