作者: Dahlia A Ribeiro , Arti D. Kalro
摘要: Customers voice their negative brand experiences to their family and friends in the form of negative word‐of‐mouth (NWOM). Web 2.0 enables the sharing of NWOM in electronic format on various social media sites, online customer review forums, and blogs, which is known as negative electronic word‐of‐mouth (NeWOM). Researchers need to study the spread of NWOM/NeWOM to prevent adverse consequences for companies and suggest an optimal response for its redressal. Existing literature review studies have focused on word‐of‐mouth (WOM) and electronic WOM (eWOM) and have considered both positive and negative WOM and eWOM concurrently. Past literature reviews have captured the breadth of the WOM domain, ignoring the depth. This research article contains a review of 282 journal papers capturing the depth of the extant literature by focusing solely on ‘negative’ WOM and eWOM (NWOM and …