作者: Jorge Preciado , Debby Hudson
摘要: Classroom management plays a critical role in supporting student academic and social outcomes (Fairbanks, Sugai, Guardino, & Lathrop, 2007). Although academic instruction plays a major role in how students learn and behave, pairing academic outcomes with behavioral practices increases the likelihood that students will demonstrate a decrease in problem behaviors (Burke, Hagan-Burke, & Sugai, 2003; Preciado, Horner, & Baker, 2009; Tobin & Vincent, 2011). For many educators, students who externalize problem behaviors are challenging since continuous display of problem behaviors (eg, talking out, out of seat, low academic engagement, spitting, hitting, pushing, and yelling) disrupts teacher instruction and routines, hinders positive interactions amongst peers and adults, and models or encourages inappropriate behaviors for other students. In short, intertwining good instructional practices with social …