Predictors of long-term variability in NE Atlantic plankton communities

Matthew M Holland , Angus Atkinson , Mike Best , Eileen Bresnan
Science of the Total Environment 175793 -175793

The silent majority

Abigail McQuatters-Gollop , Rowena F Stern , Angus Atkinson , Mike Best
Ecological Indicators 159

The 2008 Flood Plume Event on the Fitzroy River: An Update for the Marine Monitoring Program

Michelle Devlin
Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research (ACTFR), James Cook University

Seagrasses and nutrients

Michelle Devlin , Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Reef Research 9 ( 1)

Refinement of the sampling design for the water quality component of the AIMS Long-Term Monitoring Program

Michelle Devlin
Australian Institute of Marine Science report. Cape Ferguson ( 26) 20 -20

Gladstone Q 4680

Michelle Devlin

Chapter 5: Mapping of exposure to flood plumes, water types and exposure to pollutants (DIN, TSS) in the Great Barrier Reef: toward the production of operational risk maps for the World’s most iconic marine ecosystem

M Devlin , C Petus , E da Silva , JG Alvarez-Romero
Assessment of the relative risk of water quality to ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef: Supporting Studies. A report to the Department of the Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government, Brisbane. TropWATER Report 13 30 -30

Options for early prevention of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish outbreaks on the Great Barrier Reef

Terry Walshe , J Brodie , E da Silva , M Devlin
Accelerate Partnership Final Report Submitted to the Queensland Department of Science, Information, Technology and Innovation. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville (74 pp.)

Marine and coastal ecosystem impacts

B Schaffelke , K Anthony , J Blake , J Brodie
Synthesis of evidence to support the Reef Water Quality Scientific Consensus Statement 47 -47

Reef water quality scientific consensus statement 2013

J Brodie , J Waterhouse , B Schaffelke , J Johnson
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland Government, Brisbane

Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore pesticide monitoring 2014-2015

C Gallen , K Thompson , C Paxman , M Devlin
University of Queensland, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox)

Relative risks to the Great Barrier Reef from degraded water quality

J Brodie , J Waterhouse , B Schaffelke , M Furnas
Synthesis of evidence to support the Reef Water Quality Scientific Consensus Statement< br