Liza Comita , Inge Jonckheere , Pol Coppin , Jess Zimmerman
Forest in Development, a Vital Balance
Sean Smukler , Kenneth Shirley , Roseline Remans , Gretchen Peltier
Sustainability : Science, Practice and Policy 7 ( 1) 74 -80
Liza Comita , María Uriarte , Jimena Forero-Montaña , W. Kress
Forests 9 ( 9) 556
Kellen Calinger , Elisabeth Calhoon , Hsiao-chi Chang , James Whitacre
PLOS ONE 10 ( 6) e0128161
Lívia Dorneles Audino , Julio Louzada , Liza Comita
Biological Conservation 169 248 -257
Benjamin M. Bolker , Beth Gardner , Mark Maunder , Casper W. Berg
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 ( 6) 501 -512
Stephen Hubbell , Liza Comita , Suzanne Lao , Richard Condit
Lisa Hülsmann , Ryan A Chisholm , Liza Comita , Marco D Visser
Nature 1 -8
Megan K Sullivan , Prince Armel Mouguiama Biessiemou , Raoul Niangadouma , Katharine Abernethy
Forest Ecology and Management 513 120169 -120169
Christopher Wills , Kyle E Harms , Richard Condit , David King
Science 311 ( 5760) 527 -531
Alana Belcon , Liza Comita , Forest Isbell , Reynaldo Linares-Palomino
Journal of Ecology 95 ( 3) 482 -492
F.A Jones , L.S Comita
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 ( 1652) 2759 -2767
Inge Jonckheere , L Comita , J Thompson , J Zimmerman
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12447 -12447
BM Bolker , B Gardner , M Maunder , CW Berg
Thomas A. Kursar , Liza S. Comita , Richard Condit , Melvin T. Tyree
Verl. Die Werkstatt
Liza S. Comita , Liza S. Comita , Lars Markesteijn , S. Joseph Wright
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Annual Meeting
Liza S. Comita , Stephen P. Hubbell , Noelle G. Beckman , Richard Condit
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)
Simon M Stump , James H Marden , Noelle G Beckman , Scott A Mangan
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11 -- 16)
Jenalle L Eck , Simon M Stump , Camille S Delavaux , Scott A Mangan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 ( 15) 7371 -7376