PS 68-118: Seedling hydraulic traits are linked to species distributions along a tropical rainfall gradient and to carbon gain

Adam B Roddy , Liza S. Comita , Richard Condit , Thomas A Kursar
The 94th ESA Annual Meeting

Resolved phylogenetic relationships in the Ocotea complex (Supraocotea) facilitate phylogenetic classification and studies of character evolution.

Liza S Comita , Deren A R Eaton , Henk van der Werff , Michael J Donoghue
American Journal of Botany 108 ( 4) 664 -679

Flowering sex ratios and costs of reproduction in gynodioecious Ocotea oblonga (Lauraceae)

Juan C Penagos Zuluaga , Simon A Queenborough , Liza S Comita
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society 131 ( 2) 344 -355

Animal seed dispersal recovery during passive restoration in a forested landscape

Sergio Estrada-Villegas , Pablo R Stevenson , Omar López , Saara J DeWalt
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378 ( 1867) 20210076

A meta-analysis of plant-soil feedback experiments: What factors influence plant-soil feedback, what lessons have we learned, and where do we go from here

Kerri M Crawford , Jonathan T Bauer , Liza S Comita , Maarten B Eppinga
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10)

Plant evolutionary history determines the strength of plant-soil feedback

Kerri M Crawford , Jonathan Bauer , Liza S Comita , Maarten Eppinga
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7 -- 12, 2016)

Increased mortality of tropical tree seedlings during the extreme 2015–16 El Niño

Luke Browne , Lars Markesteijn , Bettina MJ Engelbrecht , F Andrew Jones
Global Change Biology 27 ( 20) 5043 -5053

Widespread herbivory cost in tropical nitrogen-fixing tree species

Will Barker , Liza S Comita , S Joseph Wright , Oliver L Phillips
Nature 612 ( 7940) 483 -487

Widespread variation in functional trait–vital rate relationships in tropical tree seedlings across a precipitation and soil phosphorus gradient

Luke Browne , Lars Markesteijn , Eric Manzané‐Pinzón , S Joseph Wright
Functional Ecology 37 ( 2) 248 -260

Flower production decreases with warmer and more humid atmospheric conditions in a western Amazonian forest

Jason Vleminckx , J Aaron Hogan , Margaret R Metz , Liza S Comita
New Phytologist 241 ( 3) 1035 -1046

Enhanced herbivory is widespread across tropical nitrogen-fixing tree species

William Barker , S Joseph Wright , Liza S Comita , Oliver Phillips
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16)

Managing secondary tropical forest succession to increase long-term carbon storage by using fast-growing, high wood density species

Anna Sugiyama , Liza S Comita , Eddie Game , S Joseph Wright
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11)

Herbaceous plant diversity in forest ecosystems: patterns, mechanisms, and threats

Michelle Elise Spicer , Harikrishnan Venugopalan Nair Radhamoni , Marlyse C Duguid , Simon A Queenborough
Plant Ecology 223 ( 2) 117 -129

Local‐and landscape‐scale drivers of terrestrial herbaceous plant diversity along a tropical rainfall gradient in Western Ghats, India

Harikrishnan Venugopalan Nair Radhamoni , Simon A Queenborough , AZ Andis Arietta , Hebbalalu S Suresh
Journal of Ecology 111 ( 5) 1021 -1036

Low-intensity logging alters species and functional composition, but does not negatively impact key ecosystem services in a Central African tropical forest

Megan K Sullivan , Jason Vleminckx , Prince Armel Mouguiama Bissiemou , Raoul Niangadouma
Global Ecology and Conservation e02996 -e02996

Density dependent tree survival varies with species life history strategies of growth-mortality trade-off in a tropical forest

Yan Zhu , Liza S Comita , Simon A Queenborough , Keping Ma
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7 -- 12, 2016)

COS 24-7: Drought sensitivity shapes species distribution patterns in tropical forests

Bettina MJ Engelbrecht , Liza S Comita , Richard Condit , Thomas A Kursar

Density-dependent survival varies with species life-history strategy in a tropical forest.

Yan Zhu , Simon A Queenborough , Richard Condit , SP Hubbell
Ecology Letters 21 ( 4) 506 -515