Georg Winkel , Marieke Blondet , Lars Borrass , Maria Geitzenauer
Revue Forestière Française 66 ( 6) 743 -750
William Clark Cook , Esther Turnhout , Severine Van Bommel
Science and technology studies 33 ( 2) 32 -48
Esther Turnhout , Matthijs Hisschemöller , Herman Eijsackers
Environmental Values 13 ( 2) 187 -198
Marleen Buizer , Esther Turnhout
Geoforum 42 ( 5) 530 -538
Susan Boonman-Berson , Esther Turnhout , Michael Carolan
Geoforum 74 192 -201
Fernanda Ayaviri Matuk , Jelle Behagel , Carlos Ernesto Gonçalves Reynaud Schaefer , Reinaldo Duque-Brasil
Geoforum 100 101 -115
Severine van Bommel , Esther Turnhout
Forest-People Interfaces 223 -238
Margriet Goris , Leonardo Van den Berg , Ivonete Da Silva Lopes , Jelle Behagel
Sustainability 11 ( 1) 197
Dave Huitema , Esther Turnhout
Environmental Politics 18 ( 4) 576 -594
Esther Turnhout , Jelle Behagel , Francesca Ferranti , Raoul Beunen
Environmental Politics 24 ( 3) 461 -480
Esther Turnhout , Katja Neves , Elisa de Lijster
Environment and Planning A 46 ( 3) 581 -597
Esther Turnhout
Policy Sciences 42 ( 1) 57 -72
Esther Turnhout , Bob Bloomfield , Mike Hulme , Johannes Vogel
Nature 488 ( 7412) 454 -455
Anna Wesselink , Karen S. Buchanan , Yola Georgiadou , Esther Turnhout
Environmental Science & Policy 30 1 -9
Isabel Melo , Esther Turnhout , Bas Arts
Environmental Science & Policy 35 49 -56
Georg Winkel , Marieke Blondet , Lars Borrass , Theresa Frei
Environmental Science & Policy 52 23 -32
Maud Borie , Karin M. Gustafsson , Noam Obermeister , Esther Turnhout
Environmental Science & Policy 110 71 -76
Fernanda Ayaviri Matuk , Esther Turnhout , Luuk Fleskens , Eufran Ferreira do Amaral
Environmental Science & Policy 112 1 -9
Esther Turnhout , Claire Waterton , Katja Neves , Marleen Buizer
Conservation Letters 7 ( 3) 336 -337
Esther Turnhout , Mariëlle Van der Zouwen
Critical Policy Studies 4 ( 4) 344 -361