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M. Butter , M. de Heide
EU-GREAT (European guide and recommendations for the combined funding of large-scale RDI initiatives)
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Effie Amanatidou , Maurits Butter , Vicente Carabias , Totti Könnölä
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Arnold Tukker , Maurits Butter
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Maurits Butter , Govert Gijsbers , Arjen Goetheer , Kristina Karanikolova
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Maurits Butter , Joost Hoogendoorn
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Maurits Butter , Felix Brandes , Michael Keenan , Rafael Popper
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Maurits Butter , Marcel de Heide , Carlos Montalvo , Koen Dittrich
D7 Final report of the multi KETs Pilot lines project, downlodable here: http://www. mkpl. eu/fileadmin/site/final/mKETs_D7_final_report. pdf