Nishant Vishwamitra , Yifang Li , Kevin Wang , Hongxin Hu
symposium on access control models and technologies 155 -166
Byron Lowens , Vivian Genaro Motti , Kelly Caine
ieee international conference on healthcare informatics 295 -304
Karen Cheng , Kelly Caine , Wanda Pratt , Kay Connelly
human factors in computing systems 2485 -2488
Vivian Genaro Motti , Kelly Caine
international symposium on wearable computers 635 -641
Elizabeth Anne Watkins , Franziska Roesner , Susan McGregor , Byron Lowens
collaboration technologies and systems 622 -623
Varun Mishra , Byron Lowens , Sarah Lord , Kelly Caine
international symposium on wearable computers 2017 935 -940
Earl W. Huff , Brodrick Stigall , Julian Brinkley , Richard Pak
human factors in computing systems 1 -7
Ginger White , Kelly Caine , Kay Connelly , Rebecca Selove
The Journal of medical research 3 ( 1)
Susan E. McGregor , Franziska Roesner , Kelly Caine
privacy enhancing technologies 2016 ( 4) 418 -435
Qatrunnada Ismail , Tousif Ahmed , Kelly Caine , Apu Kapadia
privacy enhancing technologies 2017 ( 4) 119 -137
Kelly Caine , Selma Šabanovic , Mary Carter
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '12 343 -350
Vivian Genaro Motti , Spencer Kohn , Kelly Caine
human computer interaction with mobile devices and services 563 -564
Vivian Genaro Motti , Kelly Caine
international symposium on wearable computers 83 -86
Varun Mishra , Gunnar Pope , Sarah Lord , Stephanie Lewia
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 1 ( 2) 1 -30
Greg Norcie , Jim Blythe , Kelly Caine , L. Jean Camp
Proceedings 2014 Workshop on Usable Security
Kurt Luther , Kelly Caine , Kevin Ziegler , Amy Bruckman
international conference on supporting group work 1 -10
Michelle Kwasny , Kelly Caine , Wendy A. Rogers , Arthur D. Fisk
human factors in computing systems 2008 3291 -3296
Ingrid Arreola , Zan Morris , Matthew Francisco , Kay Connelly
human factors in computing systems 1933 -1936
Byron Lowens , Vivian Motti , Kelly Caine
international conference on pervasive computing 562 -567
Alana Libonati , Kelly Caine , Apu Kapadia , Michael Reiter
collaborative computing 8 -17