S. Pecori , A. Santucci , Silvana Maria Teresa Lombardo , F. Bonchi
Ashgate 103 -120
D. Pedreschi , O. Abul , Maurizio Atzori , F. Bonchi
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , G. Manco , C. Renso
international conference on information technology coding and computing 599 -603
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , C. Lucchese , S. Orlando
international conference on data engineering 159 -159
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , A. Mazzanti , D. Pedreschi
international conference on data mining 11 -18
F. Bonchi , C. Lucchese
international conference on data mining 35 -42
M. Atzori , F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , D. Pedreschi
international conference on data mining 561 -564
M. Berlingerio , F. Bonchi , S. Chelazzi , M. Curcio
computer-based medical systems 702 -707
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , A. Mazzanti , D. Pedreschi
IEEE Intelligent Systems 20 ( 3) 25 -31
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , G. Mainetto , D. Pedreschi
data warehousing and knowledge discovery 369 -376
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , C. Gozzi , G. Manco
data and knowledge engineering 39 ( 2) 165 -189
F. Bonchi , F. Giannotti , G. Mainetto , D. Pedreschi
knowledge discovery and data mining 175 -184
Francesco Bonchi , Yücel Saygin , Vassilios S Verykios , Maurizio Atzori
Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy 297 -333
D. Pedreschi , F. Bonchi , F. Turini , V. S. Verykios
Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy: Geographic Knowledge Discovery 101 -119
Panos Parchas , Francesco Gullo , Dimitris Papadias , Franceseco Bonchi
international conference on management of data 967 -978
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 11 ( 02) 389 -400
D. Pedreschi , Maurizio Atzori , F Bonchi , F Giannotti
A Abboud , S Abraham , CC Aggarwal , A Ahmad
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 ( 1) 289 -289
T Abeywickrama , TB Adji , I Agrafiotis , S Agrawal
T Rattay , P Bajardi , G Bologna , F Bonchi
The Breast 68 S54 -S54