Prem Noel Melville
The University of Texas at Austin
Vikas Sindhwani , Richard D. Lawrence , Prem Melville , Vijil Chenthamarakshan
international joint conference on artificial intelligence 1225 -1230
Claudia Perlich , Vikas Sindhwani , Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil , Prem Melville
knowledge discovery and data mining 23 -34
Nanda Kambhatla , Nicolas Nicolov , Wlodek Zadrozny , Prem Melville
Ai Magazine 23 ( 2) 63 -76
Ramadass Nagarajan , Prem Melville , Raymod J. Mooney
national conference on artificial intelligence 187 -192
Shiva P. Kasiviswanathan , Arindam Banerjee , Prem Melville , Huahua Wang
neural information processing systems 25 2258 -2266
Prem Melville
Prem Melville , Vijil Chenthamarakshan , Richard D. Lawrence , James Powell
knowledge discovery and data mining 1204 -1212
Gerard Miller , Melissa Weatherwax , Timothy Gardinier , Naoki Abe
Interfaces 42 ( 1) 74 -84
Karthik Subbian , Prem Melville
privacy security risk and trust 661 -665
Josh Attenberg , Prem Melville , Foster Provost ,
european conference on machine learning 40 -55
Prem Melville , Raymond J. Mooney
Information Fusion 6 ( 1) 99 -111
Arvind Agarwal , Hema Raghavan , Karthik Subbian , Prem Melville
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '12 833 -842
Prem Melville , Foster Provost , Maytal Saar-Tsechansky , Raymond Mooney
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Utility-based data mining - UBDM '05 10 -16
Vikas Sindhwani , Prem Melville
international conference on data mining 1025 -1030
Naoki Abe , Melissa Kowalczyk , Mark Domick , Timothy Gardinier
knowledge discovery and data mining 75 -84
Pei-Yun Hsueh , Prem Melville , Vikas Sindhwani
north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics 27 -35
Yuk Lai Suen , Prem Melville , Raymond J. Mooney
Machine Learning: ECML 2005 741 -749
Prem Melville , Stewart M. Yang , Maytal Saar-Tsechansky , Raymond Mooney
Machine Learning: ECML 2005 268 -279
Claudia Perlich , Prem Melville , Yan Liu , Grzegorz Świrszcz
Sigkdd Explorations 10 ( 2) 39 -42