Gérard Medioni , Philippos Mordohai
Journal of Machine Learning Research 11 ( 12) 411 -450
Philippos Mordohai , Changjiang Cai
international conference on 3d vision 374 -383
Stefano Mattoccia , Matteo Poggi , Philippos Mordohai , Changjiang Cai
international conference on 3d vision 364 -373
Noah Snavely , Philippos Mordohai , Ameesh Makadia , Konstantinos Batsos
intelligent robots and systems 10076 -10083
Stefano Mattoccia , Matteo Poggi , Philippos Mordohai , Fabio Tosi
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Chang Yuan , Miao Liao , Xiaoyan Hu , Philippos Mordohai
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 43 ( 1) 233 -236
Charles Freundlich , Philippos Mordohai , Michael M. Zavlanos
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 4493 -4498
Hao Guo , Dehai Zhu , Philippos Mordohai
The Visual Computer 32 ( 12) 1511 -1524
Vivek Kwatra , Philippos Mordohai , Rahul Narain , Sashi Kumar Penta
eurographics 27 ( 2) 487 -496
Charles Freundlich , Yan Zhang , Alex Zihao Zhu , Philippos Mordohai
The International Journal of Robotics Research 36 ( 12) 1268 -1285
Philippos Mordohai , Gérard Medioni
european conference on computer vision 588 -601
Yizhe Chang , Mohammed Kutbi , Nikolaos Agadakos , Bo Sun
international conference on computer vision 1490 -1499
Mohammed Kutbi , Yizhe Chang , Bo Sun , Philippos Mordohai
international conference on computer vision 2522 -2531
Aristotle Spyropoulos , Philippos Mordohai
International Journal of Computer Vision 118 ( 3) 300 -318
Max Ehrlich , Philippos Mordohai
symposium on 3d user interfaces 239 -240
Allan Zelener , Philippos Mordohai , Ioannis Stamos
international conference on 3d vision 1 147 -154
Aristotle Spyropoulos , Philippos Mordohai
international conference on 3d vision 73 -81
Iraklis Tsekourakis , Philippos Mordohai
international conference on 3d vision 144 -152
Rafael Gouveia , Aristotle Spyropoulos , Philippos Mordohai
international conference on 3d vision 180 -188
Konstantinos Batsos , Philippos Mordohai
international conference on 3d vision 238 -247