James Larus , Saman Amarasinghe , Richard Brenner , Luddy Harrison
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming: Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming 2006
Michael Uchic , Michael Groeber , Megna Shah , Patrick Callahan
Proceedings of the 1 st International Conference on 3D Materials Science 195 -202
Thomas LeBlanc , Dana Ballard , Christopher Brown , Randal Nelson
Sandhya Dwarkadas , Arrvindh Shriraman , Michael Scott
Michael Scott , Sandhya Dwarkadas , Arrvindh Shriraman , Virendra Marathe
Michael Spear , Maged Michael , Michael Scott
3rd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Computing, New York, NY, USA 160
Michael Scott
Martin Indarte , Roisin Puentes , Marco Maruggi , Nathan T Ihle
Cancer Research 79 ( 20) 5457 -5457
Michael Scott
Michael Scott , Maged Michael
Smpte Journal
Michael Scott , Leonidas Kontothanassis
Michael Scott , Evangelos Markatos , Cezary Dubnicki , Mark Crovella
Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments 6 ( 1) 11 -13
John Mellor-Crummey , Michael Scott
Michael Scott
M.L. Scott , T.J. LeBlanc , B.D. Marsh
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 125 -129
M.L. Scott , W. Garnett
[1992] Proceedings Third Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 86 -90
R.J. Stets , G.C. Hunt , M.L. Scott
Computer 32 ( 7) 54 -61
G.C. Hunt , M.L. Scott
enterprise distributed object computing 252 -262
G. Semeraro , D.H. Albonesi , G. Magklis , M.L. Scott
symposium on asynchronous circuits and systems 159 -169