Christopher Kruegel , Davide Balzarotti , William Robertson , Giovanni Vigna
annual computer security applications conference 53 -63
Kaan Onarlioglu , William Robertson , Engin Kirda ,
ieee european symposium on security and privacy 153 -166
Florian Quinkert , Tobias Lauinger , William Robertson , Engin Kirda
communications and networking symposium 259 -267
Amin Kharraz , Engin Kirda , William Robertson , Davide Balzarotti
dependable systems and networks 192 -203
Andrea Mambretti , Matthias Neugschwandtner , Alessandro Sorniotti , Engin Kirda
annual computer security applications conference 747 -761
Tobias Lauinger , Kaan Onarlioglu , Abdelberi Chaabane , William Robertson
internet measurement conference 247 -253
Collin Mulliner , William Robertson , Engin Kirda
it - Information Technology 59 ( 2) 59 -65
William Koch , Abdelberi Chaabane , Manuel Egele , William Robertson
international symposium on software testing and analysis 147 -157
Christopher Kruegel , Darren Mutz , William Robertson , Fredrik Valeur
recent advances in intrusion detection 17 -35
Collin Mulliner , Jon Oberheide , William Robertson , Engin Kirda
annual computer security applications conference 259 -268
Ting-Fang Yen , Alina Oprea , Kaan Onarlioglu , Todd Leetham
annual computer security applications conference 199 -208
Sevtap Duman , Kaan Onarlioglu , Ali Osman Ulusoy , William Robertson
annual computer security applications conference 456 -465
Collin Mulliner , William Robertson , Engin Kirda
ieee symposium on security and privacy 149 -162
Yanick Fratantonio , Antonio Bianchi , William Robertson , Engin Kirda
2016 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) 377 -396
Amin Kharraz , William Robertson , Engin Kirda
2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) 70 -86
Amin Kharraz , William Robertson , Davide Balzarotti , Leyla Bilge
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 3 -24
Yanick Fratantonio , Antonio Bianchi , William Robertson , Manuel Egele
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 282 -303
Federico Maggi , William Robertson , Christopher Kruegel , Giovanni Vigna
recent advances in intrusion detection 21 -40
Christopher Kruegel , Giovanni Vigna , William Robertson
Computer Networks 48 ( 5) 717 -738
William Blair , Andrea Mambretti , Sajjad Arshad , Michael Weissbacher
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 25 ( 4) 1 -35