Christopher Kruegel , Giovanni Vigna , Federico Maggi , William K. Robertson
network and distributed system security symposium 1 -16
Engin Kirda , Guevara Noubir , Aldo Cassola , William K. Robertson
network and distributed system security symposium
Sajjad Arshad , Amin Kharraz , William K. Robertson
financial cryptography 441 -459
Sajjad Arshad , Christo Wilson , Muhammad Ahmad Bashir , William K. Robertson
usenix security symposium 481 -496
Engin Kirda , Kaan Onarlioglu , Seyed Ali Mirheidari , Bruno Crispo
usenix security symposium 665 -682
C. Kruegel , D. Mutz , W. Robertson , F. Valeur
19th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 2003. Proceedings. ( 19) 14 -23
G. Vigna , W. Robertson , V. Kher , R.A. Kemmerer
19th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 2003. Proceedings. 34 -43
C. Kruegel , W. Robertson , G. Vigna
annual computer security applications conference 91 -100
C. Kruegel , W. Robertson , G. Vigna
Praxis Der Informationsverarbeitung Und Kommunikation 27 ( 4) 219 -227
K. Onarlioglu , C. Mulliner , W. Robertson , E. Kirda
ieee symposium on security and privacy 206 -220
Brendan Dolan-Gavitt , Patrick Hulin , Engin Kirda , Tim Leek
2016 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) 110 -121
William K Robertson , Christopher Kruegel , Darren Mutz , Fredrik Valeur
LISA 3 51 -60
K Onarlıoğu , Mustafa Battal , W Robertson , E Kırda