Wolf-Tilo Balke , Boualem Boashash
international conference on emerging technologies 1 -2
Benjamin Köhncke , Wolf-Tilo Balke
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '10 1809 -1812
Benjamin Köhncke , Sascha Tönnies , Wolf-Tilo Balke
theory and practice of digital libraries 383 -395
Mohammad Alrifai , Peter Dolog , Wolf-Tilo Balke , Wolfgang Nejdl
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2 ( 4) 289 -302
Christoph Lofi , Wolf-Tilo Balke
Advanced Query Processing 15 -36
Wolf-Tilo Balke , Jason Xin Zheng , Ulrich Güntzer
database systems for advanced applications 410 -421
Wolf-Tilo Balke , Klaus Mainzer
wissensmanagement 586 -597
Wolfgang Kellerer , Matthias Wagner , Wolf-Tilo Balke , Henning Schulzrinne
European Transactions on Telecommunications 15 ( 4) 415 -427
Kinda El Maarry , Wolf-Tilo Balke , Hyunsouk Cho , Seung-won Hwang
Database Systems for Advanced Applications 376 -387
Wolf-Tilo Balke
Datenbank-spektrum 10 ( 1) 49 -50
Wolf-Tilo Balke
Datenbank-spektrum 12 ( 2) 81 -88
Christoph Lofi , Joachim Selke , Wolf-Tilo Balke
Datenbank-spektrum 12 ( 2) 109 -120
Stephan Mennicke , Jan-Christoph Kalo , Wolf-Tilo Balke
Datenbank-spektrum 18 ( 2) 89 -98
Janus Wawrzinek , José María González Pinto , Oliver Wiehr , Wolf-Tilo Balke
Data Science and Engineering 5 ( 4) 333 -345
Jan-Christoph Kalo , Silviu Homoceanu , Jewgeni Rose , Wolf-Tilo Balke
web science 5
Silviu Homoceanu , Philipp Wille , Wolf-Tilo Balke
international semantic web conference 184 -199
Matthias Wagner , Werner Kießling , Wolf-Tilo Balke
Advances in Web-Age Information Management 225 -235
Wolf-Tilo Balke , Matthias Wagner
the web conference 196 -205
José María González Pinto , Wolf-Tilo Balke
international conference theory and practice digital libraries 169 -180
Janus Wawrzinek , Wolf-Tilo Balke
international conference on asian digital libraries 15 -27