Fu-Chiung Cheng Stephen H Unger , Michael Theobald Wen-Chung Cho
Manoj Kumar, Sandeep K. Aryaand Sujata Pandey “Single bit full adder design using 8
Robert M. Fuhrer , Steven M. Nowick , Luis Plana , Michael Theobald
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Michael Theobald , Montek Singh
design, automation, and test in europe 2 21008
Orna Grumberg , Flavio Lerda , Ofer Strichman , Michael Theobald
symposium on principles of programming languages 40 ( 1) 122 -131
Flavio Lerda , Nishant Sinha , Michael Theobald
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 89 ( 3) 480 -498
Bernd Becker , Rolf Drechsler , Michael Theobald
formal methods 11 ( 1) 5 -21
Michael Theobald , Steven M. Nowick , Tao Wu
design automation conference 71 -76
J.P. Grossman , John K. Salmon , C. Richard Ho , Douglas J. Ierardi
international conference on computer design 340 -347
Steven M. Nowick , Michael Theobald
international symposium on low power electronics and design 92 -95
David E. Shaw , J.P. Grossman , Joseph A. Bank , Brannon Batson
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics 41 -53
Edmund Clarke , Ansgar Fehnker , Zhi Han , Bruce Krogh
tools and algorithms for construction and analysis of systems 192 -207
Edmund Clarke , Ansgar Fehnker , Zhi Han , Bruce Krogh
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 14 ( 4) 583 -604
Sandeep K. Shukla , Michael Theobald
formal methods 28 ( 2) 91 -92
Steven M. Nowick , Michael Theobald
design automation conference 263 -268
David E Shaw , Martin M Deneroff , Ron O Dror , Jeffrey S Kuskin
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 35 ( 2) 1
David E Shaw , Peter J Adams , Asaph Azaria , Joseph A Bank
Smpte Journal 1 -11
JP Grossman , Jeffrey S Kuskin , Joseph A Bank , Michael Theobald
Acm Sigplan Notices 48 ( 4) 549 -560
C Richard Ho , Michael Theobald , Brannon Batson , J Grossman
Design and Verification Conf
C Richard Ho , Michael Theobald , Martin M Deneroff , Ron O Dror
design automation conference 268 -271
Rolf Drechsler , Bernd Becker , Michael Theobald , Marek A Perkowski