Gabriela Moise , Jörg Sander , Martin Ester
Knowledge and Information Systems 14 ( 3) 273 -298
Gabriela Moise , Arthur Zimek , Peer Kröger , Hans-Peter Kriegel
Knowledge and Information Systems 21 ( 3) 299 -326
Jadson Castro Gertrudes , Arthur Zimek , Jörg Sander , Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
statistical and scientific database management 11
Ricardo J. G. B. Campello , Davoud Moulavi , Arthur Zimek , Jörg Sander
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data 10 ( 1) 5
Erich Schubert , Jörg Sander , Martin Ester , Hans Peter Kriegel
international conference on management of data 42 ( 3) 19
Levi Lelis , Jörg Sander
international conference on data mining 842 -847
Maryam Mirzaei , Jörg Sander , Eleni Stroulia
Information Processing and Management 56 ( 3) 858 -878
Viorica Botea , Daniel Mallett , Mario A. Nascimento , Jörg Sander
Geoinformatica 12 ( 2) 143 -168
Markus M. Breunig , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Raymond T. Ng , Jörg Sander
european conference on principles of data mining and knowledge discovery 262 -270
Henrique O Marques , Ricardo JGB Campello , Arthur Zimek , Jörg Sander
statistical and scientific database management 7
Xiaowei Xu , Martin Ester , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Jörg Sander
Vistas in Astronomy 41 ( 3) 397 -403
Markus M. Breunig , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Raymond T. Ng , Jörg Sander
international conference on management of data 29 ( 2) 93 -104
Mihael Ankerst , Markus M. Breunig , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Jörg Sander
international conference on management of data 28 ( 2) 49 -60
Davoud Moulavi , Pablo A. Jaskowiak , Ricardo J. G. B. Campello , Arthur Zimek
siam international conference on data mining 839 -847
Hans‐Peter Kriegel , Peer Kröger , Jörg Sander , Arthur Zimek
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 ( 3) 231 -240
Alexandru Coman , Mario A. Nascimento , Jörg Sander
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '05 187 -194
Marianne Morris , Russell Greiner , Jörg Sander , Albert Murtha
Advances in Artificial Intelligence 98 -109
Guilherme O. Campos , Arthur Zimek , Jörg Sander , Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 30 ( 4) 891 -927
Jadson Castro Gertrudes , Arthur Zimek , Jörg Sander , Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33 ( 6) 1894 -1952
Jadson Castro Gertrudes , Arthur Zimek , Jörg Sander , Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 34 ( 6) 1984 -1985