Samer Nassar , Jörg Sander , Corrine Cheng
international conference on management of data 467 -478
Han Liang , Jörg Sander
canadian conference on artificial intelligence 112 -125
Arthur Zimek , Ricardo J. G. B. Campello , Jörg Sander
statistical and scientific database management 13
Sajib Barua , Jörg Sander
statistical and scientific database management 7
Jianjun Zhou , Jörg Sander
very large data bases 452 -463
Alexandru Coman , Jörg Sander , Mario A. Nascimento
database and expert systems applications 601 -610
Alexandru Coman , Mario A. Nascimento , Jörg Sander
Proceeedings of the 1st international workshop on Data management for sensor networks in conjunction with VLDB 2004 - DMSN '04 104 -110
Jörg Sander , Raymond T. Ng , Monica C. Sleumer , Man Saint Yuen
ACM Transactions on Information Systems 23 ( 1) 35 -60
Jiyang Chen , Osmar R. Zaïane , Jörg Sander , Randy Goebel
Data Mining for Social Network Data 125 -148
Markus M. Breunig , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Peer Kröger , Jörg Sander
international conference on management of data 30 ( 2) 79 -90
Jörg Sander , Martin Ester , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Xiaowei Xu
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2 ( 2) 169 -194
Arthur Zimek , Ricardo J.G.B. Campello , Jörg Sander
Sigkdd Explorations 15 ( 1) 11 -22
Jundong Li , Jörg Sander , Ricardo Campello , Arthur Zimek
canadian conference on artificial intelligence 179 -190
Jörg Sander
Smpte Journal
Martin Ester , Hans-Peter Kriegel , Jörg Sander , Xiaowei Xu
A density‐based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise 226 -231
Mario A Nascimento , Timos Sellis , Reynold Cheng , Jörg Sander
Springer 8098
Marianne Morris , Russell Greiner , Jörg Sander , Albert Murtha
Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI)
Michael Strobl , Jörg Sander , Ricardo JGB Campello , Osmar Zaïane
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2020, Ghent, Belgium, September 14–18, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 364 -379
Gordon Robertson , Misha Bilenky , Keven Lin , An He
Nucleic Acids Research 34 ( 90001) 68 -73
Mario A Nascimento , Jörg Sander , Jeffrey Pound
ACM Sigmod record 32 ( 3) 8 -10