Gina Biancarosa , Gina G. Griffiths
The Future of Children 22 ( 2) 139 -160
Gina N. Cervetti , P. David Pearson , Annemarie S. Palincsar , Peter Afflerbach
Reading Research Quarterly 55
Gina G. Griffiths , Gina Biancarosa
Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders 22 ( 2) 56 -66
Irma F. Brasseur-Hock , Michael F. Hock , Michael J. Kieffer , Gina Biancarosa
Learning and Individual Differences 21 ( 4) 438 -452
Rachael Law Schuetz , Gina Biancarosa , Joanna Goode
Journal of research on technology in education 50 ( 4) 318 -332
Mark L. Davison , Gina Biancarosa , Sarah E. Carlson , Ben Seipel
Assessment for Effective Intervention 43 ( 3) 169 -181
Michael Stoolmiller , Gina Biancarosa , Hank Fien
Assessment for Effective Intervention 38 ( 2) 76 -90
Yaacov Petscher , Kelli Dawn Cummings , Gina Biancarosa , Hank Fien
Assessment for Effective Intervention 38 ( 2) 71 -75
Ronda Fritz , Beth Harn , Gina Biancarosa , Audrey Lucero
Assessment for Effective Intervention 44 ( 2) 135 -144
Gina Biancarosa , Patrick C. Kennedy , Sarah E. Carlson , HyeonJin Yoon
Educational and Psychological Measurement 79 ( 1) 65 -84
Lina Shanley , Gina Biancarosa , Ben Clarke , Joanna Goode
Contemporary Educational Psychology 59 101804
Gina Biancarosa
Written Language and Literacy 8 ( 2) 3 -24
Gina Biancarosa , Lina Shanley
The Fluency Construct 1 -18
Gina G. Griffiths , McKay Moore Sohlberg , Cecilia Kirk , Stephen Fickas
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 26 ( 2) 161 -190
Bowen Liu , Patrick C. Kennedy , Ben Seipel , Sarah E. Carlson
Journal of Educational Measurement 56 ( 4) 815 -835
Beth A. Harn , David J. Chard , Gina Biancarosa , Edward J. Kame'enui
The Elementary School Journal 112 ( 2) 332 -355
Dianna Townsend , Alexis Filippini , Penelope Collins , Gina Biancarosa
Elementary School Journal 112 ( 3) 497 -518
Joseph F.T. Nese , Gina Biancarosa , Kelli Cummings , Patrick Kennedy
Journal of School Psychology 51 ( 5) 625 -642
Kelli D. Cummings , Gina Biancarosa , Andrew Schaper , Deborah K. Reed
Journal of School Psychology 52 ( 6) 583
Kelli D. Cummings , Gina Biancarosa , Andrew Schaper , Deborah K. Reed
Journal of School Psychology 52 ( 4) 361 -375