Matthew Cohen , Daniel Schugurensky , Arnim Wiek
Curriculum and teaching 30 ( 2) 5 -26
Christopher Kuzdas , Arnim Wiek , Benjamin Warner , Raffaele Vignola
Environmental Management 54 ( 2) 205 -222
Michael Siegrist , Carmen Keller , Hans Kastenholz , Silvia Frey
Risk Analysis 27 ( 1) 59 -69
Arnim Wiek , Olaf Weber
Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment 4 ( 1) 9 -20
Arnim Wiek , Lauren Withycombe , Charles Redman , Sarah Banas Mills
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 53 ( 2) 3 -13
Arnim Wiek
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 16 ( 1) 52 -57
Katja Brundiers , Arnim Wiek
Innovative Higher Education 36 ( 2) 107 -124
Arnim Wiek , Michael J. Bernstein , Manfred Laubichler , Guido Caniglia
Creative Education 04 ( 4) 19 -28
Aasgeir Helland , Martin Scheringer , Michael Siegrist , Hans G. Kastenholz
Environmental Science & Technology 42 ( 2) 640 -646
Katja Brundiers , Arnim Wiek , Charles L. Redman
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 11 ( 4) 308 -324
Roland W. Scholz , Daniel J. Lang , Arnim Wiek , Alexander I. Walter
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 7 ( 3) 226 -251
Bastien Girod , Arnim Wiek , Harald Mieg , Mike Hulme
Environmental Science & Policy 12 ( 2) 103 -118
Bruna Carvalho , Arnim Wiek , Barry Ness
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 29 ( 1) 293 -304
Arnim Wiek , Aaron Redman
Smpte Journal 27 -34
Arnim Wiek , Rider W Foley , David H Guston
nanotechnology for sustainable development 371 -390
Arnim Wiek , Christopher Kuzdas , Rider Foley ,
Routledge 141 -159
Dave D White , Lauren Withycombe Keeler , Arnim Wiek , Kelli L Larson
Environmental Practice 17 ( 1) 25 -35
Charles L Redman , Arnim Wiek
Routledge 214 -222
Arnim Wiek , Lauren Withycombe , Charles Redman , Sarah Banas Mills
Routledge 395 -400
Sarah Burch , Jose DiBella , Arnim Wiek , Stefan Schaltegger
Urban Transformations 4 ( 1) 12 -12