Danny Dolev , Idit Keidar , Esti Yeger Lotem ,
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G. Goft , E.Y. Lotem
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Trends in Genetics 21 ( 3) 138 -142
Eyal Simonovsky , Moran Sharon , Maya Ziv , Omry Mauer
Molecular Systems Biology 19 ( 8) e11407 -e11407
Esti Yeger‐Lotem , Hanah Margalit
Nucleic Acids Research 31 ( 20) 6053 -6061
Mehtap Abu-Qarn , Esti Yeger-Lotem , Anat Ben-Zvi , Serena Carra
Nature Communications 12 ( 1) 2180 -2180
Olivia M de Goede , Daniel C Nachun , Nicole M Ferraro , Michael J Gloudemans
Cell 184 ( 10)
Esti Yeger-Lotem , Laura Mediani , Anat Ben-Zvi , Ina Poser
Cell Death and Disease 12 ( 5) 452 -452
Eyal Simonovsky , Moran Sharon , Maya Ziv , Omry Mauer
Ruth Barshir , Idan Hekselman , Netta Shemesh , Moran Sharon
PLOS Genetics 14 ( 5)
Yehezqel Elyahu , Idan Hekselman , Inbal Eizenberg-Magar , Omer Berner
Science Advances 5 ( 8)
Esti Yeger-Lotem , Roded Sharan
Frontiers in Genetics 6 257 -257
Yael Bar-Lavan , Netta Shemesh , Shiran Dror , Rivka Ofir
PLOS Genetics 12 ( 12)
Ilan Smoly , Netta Shemesh , Michal Ziv-Ukelson , Anat Ben-Zvi
PLOS Computational Biology 13 ( 1)
Idan Hekselman , Esti Yeger-Lotem
Nature Reviews Genetics 21 ( 3) 137 -150
Ruth Barshir , Omer Basha , Amir Eluk , Ilan Y. Smoly
Nucleic Acids Research 41 841 -844
Omer Basha , Shoval Tirman , Amir Eluk , Esti Yeger-Lotem
Nucleic Acids Research 41 198 -203
Omer Basha , Dvir Flom , Ruth Barshir , Ilan Smoly
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Ilan Y Smoly , Eugene Lerman , Michal Ziv-Ukelson , Esti Yeger-Lotem
Bioinformatics 33 ( 12) 1907 -1909
Omer Basha , Chanan M Argov , Raviv Artzy , Yazeed Zoabi
Bioinformatics 36 ( 9) 2821 -2828