C Trescher , A Ciroth , K Verghese
CRC Press 91 -111
K Verghese , A Carre , E Crossin , T Grant
RMIT Design Archives Journal 6 ( 1) 32 -41
K Verghese , L Fennessy , S Lockrey , A Pears
RMIT Design Archives Journal 6 ( 1) 42 -50
Helen Lewis , Jenni Downes , Karli Verghese , Gordon Young
Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney
K Verghese , H Lewis , S Lockrey , H Williams
Prepared for CHEP Australia. Melbourne, Australia: RMIT Univ. and Centre for Design 3
Michael R Abbott , S Lockrey , K Verghese , E Walton
Hydraulic Metal Hole Digger Punching Machine , H Lewis , L Fitzpatrick , K Verghese
Sustainable Packaging Alliance–SPA 100
K Verghese
MHD Supply Chain Solutions 43 ( 5) 30 -31
K Verghese
Packaging for Sustainability 341 -341
K Verghese
Packaging for Sustainability 335 -335
K Verghese
Packaging for Sustainability 331 -331
Karli L. Verghese , Ralph Horne , Andrew Carre
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15 ( 6) 608 -620
R Horne , Karli L Verghese
Life cycle assessment: principles, practice and prospects 141 -160
Karli L Verghese
Life Cycle Assessment: Principles, Practice and Prospects 51
Ralph E Horne , Tim Grant , Karli L Verghese
Life Cycle Assessment: Principles, Practice, and Prospects 161 -161
Karli L Verghese , Tim Grant , Ralph E Horne
Life Cycle Assessment: Principles, Practice, and Prospects 9 -9
Karli L Verghese , Tim Grant , Ralph E Home
Karli Verghese , Enda Crossin , Fredrik Wikström , Stephen Clune
19th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 15-18 June 2014
Karli Verghese , Simon Lockrey , Helén Williams , Helen Lewis
RMIT University Report
Karli Verghese , Jenni Downes , Helen Lewis , Gordon Young
Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS)