Per Närman , Pontus Johnson , Lars Nordstrom
42nd International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2008, CIGRE 2008, 24-29 August 2008, Paris, France
Moustafa Chenine , Lars Nordstrom
international conference on electric power and energy conversion systems 144 -149
Lars Nordstrom , Tin Rabuzin
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1 -1
Moustafa Chenine , Elias Karam , Lars Nordstrom
power and energy society general meeting 1 -8
Kun Zhu , Lars Nordstrom , Lennart Ekstam
power and energy society general meeting 1 -7
Teodor Sommestad , Mathias Ekstedt , Lars Nordstrom
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 ( 4) 1801 -1808
Camilo A Ordonez , Harold R Chamorro , Jaime Quintero , Rujiroj Leelaruji
ieee colombian conference robotics and automation 1 -5
Yiming Wu , Lars Nordstrom , Yujue Wang , Carl Hauser
power systems computation conference 1 -8
Jan Henning Jurgensen , Lars Nordstrom , Patrik Hilber , Elin Andreasson
power systems computation conference
Martin Nilsson , Lennart Soder , Jon Olauson , Robert Eriksson
power systems computation conference
Johan Konig , Ulrik Franke , Lars Nordstrom
ieee/pes transmission and distribution conference and exposition 1 -8
Lars Nordstrom , Kun Zhu , Yiming Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 ( 4) 1919 -1927
Johan Konig , Lars Nordstrom , Mathias Ekstedt
ieee international conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems 454 -459
Jan Henning Jurgensen , Lars Nordstrom , Patrik Hilber , Elin Andreasson
ieee international conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems 1 -6
Jan Henning Jurgensen , Lars Nordstrom , Patrik Hilber
ieee international conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems 1 -8
Davood Babazadeh , Moustafa Chenine , Kun Zhu , Lars Nordstrom
ieee grenoble conference 1 -7
Shahid Hussain , Rune Gustavsson , Arshad Saleem , Lars Nordstrom
ieee grenoble conference 1 -6
Davood Babazadeh , Fabian Hohn , Yiming Wu , Lars Nordstrom
power and energy society general meeting 1 -5
Per Narman , Pontus Johnson , Lars Nordstrom
enterprise distributed object computing 130 -141
Pontus Grahn , Viktor Briggner , Linus Johansson , Davood Babazadeh
ieee pes innovative smart grid technologies conference 2222 -2227