Jonghoek Kim , Jaehyun Kim
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems 1 -7
Jonghoek Kim
Applied Sciences 11 ( 9) 4077
Jonghoek Kim
Applied Sciences 11 ( 9) 4293
Jonghoek Kim
Iet Radar Sonar and Navigation
Sungyun Choi , Jonghoek Kim
IEEE Access 7 150720 -150728
Seunghyun Lee , Jonghoek Kim , Sanghoek Kim
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2017 ( 2017) 1 -6
Jonghoek Kim , Fumin Zhang , Magnus Egerstedt ,
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 ( 22) 1 -6
Jonghoek Kim
international conference on robotics and automation 5 ( 2) 2365 -2371
Jaekuk Choi , Dongsun Lim , Sangwon Choi , Jeonghyeon Kim
international conference on control automation and systems
Jeonghyeon Kim , Sangwon Choi , Jaekuk Choi , Dongsun Lim
international conference on control automation and systems
Jonghoek Kim
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 70 ( 3) 203 -220
Jonghoek Kim
Ocean Engineering 216 107973
Jonghoek Kim
Iet Radar Sonar and Navigation 14 ( 12) 2010 -2016
Jonghoek Kim
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 100 ( 3) 1417 -1427
Jonghoek Kim , Fumin Zhang , Magnus Egerstedt ,
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 56 ( 1-2) 177 -197
Jonghoek Kim
Applied Sciences 10 ( 24) 9139
Jonghoek Kim
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 1 -9
Shaocheng Luo , Jonghoek Kim , Byung-Cheol Min
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 1 -15
Jonghoek Kim , Fumin Zhang , Magnus Egerstedt ,
Autonomous Robots 29 ( 3) 367 -380
Jonghoek Kim , Sean Maxon , Magnus Egerstedt , Fumin Zhang
conference on decision and control 6266 -6271