Kimberly C. Claffy
usenix large installation systems administration conference
Dmitri V. Krioukov , George F. Riley , Xenofontas A. Dimitropoulos , Kimberly C. Claffy
passive and active network measurement
Benoit Donnet , Bradley Huffaker , Kimberly C. Claffy , Timur Friedman
CFIP 2006 - 12ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles 1 -12
Kimberly C. Claffy
Computer Communication Review 36 39 -40
Alex C. Snoeren , Kimberly C. Claffy , Alexander Marder
passive and active network measurement 230 -246
Roger Bohn , Hans-Werner Braun , Kimberly C. Claffy , Stephen Wolff
Journal of High Speed Networks 3 ( 4) 335 -349
Alberto Dainotti , Claudio Squarcella , Emile Aben , Kimberly C. Claffy
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 22 ( 6) 1964 -1977
Kimberly C. Claffy , George C. Polyzos , Hans-Werner Braun
acm special interest group on data communication 23 ( 4) 194 -203
Hans-Werner Braun , Kimberly C. Claffy
Computer Networks and Isdn Systems 28 ( 1) 37 -51
Kimberly C. Claffy , Hans-Werner Braun , George C. Polyzos
Communications of the ACM 37 ( 8) 34 -45
Prashant Rajvaidya , Kevin C. Almeroth , Kim Claffy
distributed systems operations and management 1 -12
Van Jacobson , Jeffrey Burke , Lixia Zhang , Beichuan Zhang
Palo Alto Research Centre
Kim Claffy
Proceedings of the INET'98
Ken Keys , Young Hyun , Matthew Luckie , Kim Claffy
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 ( 2) 383 -399
Kim Claffy , Duane Wessels
version 2, RFC 2186
K. C. C. Claffy
Social Science Research Network
Thomas Karagiannis , Andre Broido , Michalis Faloutsos , Kc claffy
internet measurement conference 121 -134
Alberto Dainotti , Alistair King , kc Claffy , Ferdinando Papale
internet measurement conference 1 -14
Karyn Benson , Alberto Dainotti , kc Claffy , Emile Aben
acm special interest group on data communication 63 -64
Mattijs Jonker , Gautam Akiwate , Antonia Affinito , kc Claffy
159 -165