W. Steffen , N. Koning
Astronomy and Computing 20 87 -96
N. Koning , Sun Kwok , W. Steffen
The Astrophysical Journal 765 ( 2) 92
Ma T García-Díaz , JA López , W Steffen , MG Richer
The Astrophysical Journal 761 ( 2) 172
Ma T García-Díaz , DM Clark , JA López , W Steffen
The Astrophysical Journal 699 ( 2) 1633 -1638
S. Akras , W. Steffen
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 423 ( 1) 925 -933
R. Ouyed , M. Kostka , N. Koning , D. A. Leahy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 423 ( 2) 1652 -1662
W. Steffen , A. J. Holloway , A. Pedlar , D. J. Axon
Symposium - International Astronomical Union 175 179 -180
T. Kaminski , W. Steffen , V. Bujarrabal , R. Tylenda
Astronomy and Astrophysics 646
J. Canto , A. Raga , W. Steffen , Paul R. Shapiro
The Astrophysical Journal 502 ( 2) 695 -707
W. Steffen , J. A. Lopez
The Astrophysical Journal 508 ( 2) 696 -706
J. A. Lopez , W. Steffen , J. Meaburn
The Astrophysical Journal 485 ( 2) 697 -702
W. Steffen , J. A. Lopez
The Astrophysical Journal 612 ( 1) 319 -331
DM Clark , Ma T García-Díaz , JA López , WG Steffen
The Astrophysical Journal 722 ( 2) 1260 -1268
Wolfgang Steffen¹ , José Alberto López¹
XI IAU Regional Latin American Meeting of Astronomy: Pucón, Chile, Diciembre 12-16, 2005 26 30 -31
D Clark , Ma T García Díaz , JA López , WG Steffen
Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5 Conference 131 -131
DM Clark , Ma T García-Díaz , JA López , WG Steffen
The Astrophysical Journal 722 ( 2) 1260 -1268
Wolfgang Steffen , José Luis Gómez Hernández
Investigación y ciencia ( 396) 30 -40
Wolfgang Steffen , Nico Koning , Manuel Espíndola , Sergio Martínez
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica 45 ( 2) 143 -154
Rachid Ouyed , Wolfgang Steffen , Mathew Kostka , Nico Koning
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica 50 ( 2) 167 -180
Stephan Wenger , Wolfgang Steffen , Nicholas Koning , Christophe Morisset