Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Geosciences: Promises and Challenges for the Future I

Suzanne A Pierce , Tarka Wilcox , Imme Ebert-Uphoff , Renzhi Cao
AGU Fall Meeting 2018

A primer on topological data analysis to support image analysis tasks in environmental science

Lander Ver Hoef , Henry Adams , Emily J King , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems 2 ( 1) e220039 -e220039

Exploring Texture Analysis to Aid Classification of Meteorological Phenomena in Satellite Imagery

Kristina Moen , Nathan J Mitchell , Yoonjin Lee , Lander Ver Hoef
104th AMS Annual Meeting

Comparing Rotationally Invariant CNNs with Classical CNNs on Storm Forecast Data

Lander Ver Hoef , David John Gagne , Emily J King , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
103rd AMS Annual Meeting

Leveraging spatiotemporal information in meteorological image sequences: From feature engineering to neural networks

Akansha S Bansal , Yoonjin Lee , Kyle Hilburn , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
Environmental Data Science 2 e31 -e31

Artificial Intelligence for Low-Level Moisture from GOES-R Series

Akansha Singh Bansal , Kyle A Hilburn , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
103rd AMS Annual Meeting

A Primer on Neural Network Architectures to Extract Information from Meteorological Image Sequences

Akansha Singh Bansal , Yoonjin Lee , Kyle A Hilburn , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
103rd AMS Annual Meeting

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Sciences: An Innovative Approach for Summer School

Amy McGovern , David John Gagne , Christopher D Wirz , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Investigating the fidelity of explainable artificial intelligence methods for applications of convolutional neural networks in geoscience

Antonios Mamalakis , Elizabeth A Barnes , Imme Ebert-Uphoff ,
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems 1 ( 4) e220012 -e220012

Explainable artificial intelligence in meteorology and climate science: Model fine-tuning, calibrating trust and learning new science

Antonios Mamalakis , Imme Ebert-Uphoff , Elizabeth A Barnes
Springer International Publishing 315 -339

Carefully choose the baseline: Lessons learned from applying XAI attribution methods for regression tasks in geoscience

Antonios Mamalakis , Elizabeth A Barnes , Imme Ebert-Uphoff
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems 2 ( 1) e220058 -e220058