Feng Min , Chakradhar Srimat , Sankaradas Murugan , Coviello Giuseppe
Rahul Mangharam , Utsav Drolia , Madhur Behl , Srinivas Vemuri
information processing in sensor networks 131 -132
Utsav Drolia , Jiaqi Tan , Rajeev Gandhi , Priya Narasimhan
embedded software
Utsav Drolia , Katherine Guo , Priya Narasimhan
information security
João Rodrigues , Joaquim Silva , Rolando Martins , Luís Lopes
distributed applications and interoperable systems 96 -108
Utsav Drolia , Katherine Guo , Jiaqi Tan , Rajeev Gandhi
international conference on distributed computing systems 276 -286
Utsav Drolia , Nathan Mickulicz , Rajeev Gandhi , Priya Narasimhan
mobility in the evolving internet architecture 20 -25
Utsav Drolia , Nathan Mickulicz , Rajeev Gandhi , Priya Narasimhan
Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Wireless of the Students, by the Students, & for the Students 12 -12
Nathan D. Mickulicz , Utsav Drolia , Priya Narasimhan , Rajeev Gandhi
world of wireless mobile and multimedia networks 1 -10
Utsav Drolia , Katherine Guo , Jiaqi Tan , Rajeev Gandhi
pervasive computing and communications 593 -598
Utsav Drolia , Zhenyan Wang , Yash Pant , Rahul Mangharam
international conference on intelligent transportation systems 1187 -1192
Jon Francis , Utsav Drolia , Kunal Mankodiya , Rolando Martins
ieee international symposium on robotic and sensors environments 148 -153
Utsav Drolia , Rolando Martins , Jiaqi Tan , Ankit Chheda
ubiquitous intelligence and computing 209 -215
Utsav Drolia , Kunal Mankodiya , Nathan Mickulicz , Priya Narasimhan
international conference on connected vehicles and expo 148 -153
Priya Narasimhan , Utsav Drolia , Jiaqi Tan , Nathan D. Mickulicz
Sigplan Notices 51 ( 3) 1 -10
Utsav Drolia , Soila P. Kavulya , Kunal Mankodiya , Priya Narasimhan
high assurance systems engineering 1 -8
Ming Zhao , Haris Volos , John Kubiatowicz , Shahrokh Daijavad
Kunal Rao , Giuseppe Coviello , Min Feng , Biplob Debnath
2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) 276 -285
Kunal Rao , Giuseppe Coviello , Min Feng , Biplob Debnath
Murugan Sankaradas , Kunal Rao , Yi Yang , Biplob Debnath