Vicent J. Ribas , Juan Carlos Ruiz-Rodríguez , Alfredo Vellido
IGI Global 1 -16
Sandra Ortega-Martorell , Paulo J. G. Lisboa , Alfredo Vellido , Rui V. Simões
PLoS ONE 7 ( 10) e47824 -17
Alfredo Vellido , Paulo J. G. Lisboa
international work-conference on artificial and natural neural networks 964 -971
Alfredo Vellido , Iván Olier
Information Science Reference 176 -194
Raúl Cruz-Barbosa , Alfredo Vellido
mexican international conference on artificial intelligence 472 -482
Ivan Olier , Alfredo Vellido
international joint conference on neural network 516 -521
Alfredo Vellido , Jorge Velazco
international joint conference on neural network 522 -527
Ivan Olier , Alfredo Vellido
international joint conference on neural network 1568 -1575
Martha I Cárdenas , Alfredo Vellido , Jesús Giraldo ,
International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics 31 -39
Àngela Nebot , Félix Castro , Alfredo Vellido , Margarida Julià-Sapé
international conference on knowledge based and intelligent information and engineering systems 5178 173 -180
Alfredo Vellido , Margarida Julià-Sapé , Enrique Romero , Carles Arús
international conference on knowledge based and intelligent information and engineering systems 5178 189 -196
Miguel Hueso , Alfredo Vellido
Kidney diseases (Basel, Switzerland) 5 ( 1) 1 -2
Alfredo Vellido
Kidney diseases (Basel, Switzerland) 5 ( 1) 11 -17
Vicent Ribas Ripoll , Alfredo Vellido
Kidney diseases (Basel, Switzerland) 5 ( 1) 23 -27
Alfredo Vellido
Neural Computing and Applications 32 ( 24) 18069 -18083
Sandra Ortega-Martorell , Paulo J.G. Lisboa , Alfredo Vellido , Rui V. Simões
international conference on data mining 1058 -1063
Carles Morales , Vicent Ribas , Alfredo Vellido
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 254 -260
Alfredo Vellido , Paulo J. G. Lisboa , Karon Meehan
Physica, Heidelberg 101 -119
Paulo JG Lisboa , Alfredo Vellido , Roberto Tagliaferri , Francesco Napolitano
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 5 ( 1) 14 -18
Alfredo Vellido , Enrique Romero , Félix F. González-Navarro , Lluís A. Belanche-Muñoz
Neurocomputing 72 ( 13) 3085 -3097