D. Murdiyarso , L. Tacconi
The Jakarta Post
D. Brack , L. Tacconi , M. Boscolo
CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia
L. Tacconi , J. Fryer
International Forestry Review 2 ( 3) 165 -166
L. Tacconi , Y. Ruchiat , U. Chokkalingam
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and Indonesian Peat Association (IPA), Jakarta, Indonesia
B. Pokorny , P. Pacheco , P.O. Cerutti , T.B. van Solinge
IUFRO World Series 35 61 -78
Clem Tisdell , L. Tacconi , J.S. Lucas , J.R. Barker
Research Reports and Papers in Economics of Giant Clam Mariculture
C.A. Tisdell , L. Tacconi , J.R. Barker , J.S. Lucas
Aquaculture 110 ( 1) 13 -26
L. Tacconi , P. F. Moore , D. Kaimowitz
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12 ( 1) 55 -66
A. Boulay , L. Tacconi
International Forestry Review 14 ( 1) 1 -12
P.O. Cerutti , G. Lescuyer , L. Tacconi , R. Eba'a Atyi
International Forestry Review 18 ( 4) 50 -63
L. Tacconi
Australian Forestry 80 ( 3) 188 -194
C Tisdell , L Tacconi
Biology and mariculture of giant clams: a workshop held in conjunction with the 7th International Coral Reef Symposium, 21-26 June, 1991, Guam, USA. ( 47) 133 -137
Silvia Irawan , L Tacconi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 ( 58) 582025
S Irawan , L Tacconi
International Forestry Review 11 ( 4) 427 -438
P.O Cerutti , G Lescuyer , S Assembe-Mvondo , L Tacconi
International Forestry Review 12 ( 2) 130 -138
Michael Kofi Nsiah , E Weinthal , Kathleen Lawlor , Romain Pirard
AA Batabyal , IJ Bateman , J Bennett , DE Booth
TY Tesfamichael , JPI Bognonkpe , JG Arnold , J Lopez Wolters
Sl: sn
PO Cerutti , G Lescuyer , S Assembe Mvondo , L Tacconi
( CIFOR Occasional Paper no. 53) 15p -15p
L Tacconi
Indonesia: CIFOR