Juan Antonio Ortega
Social Innovation in Long-Term Care Through Digitalization: Proceedings of the German-Italian Workshop LTC-2021 71 -71
Wilhelm Daniel Scherz , Ralf Seepold , Natividad Martínez Madrid , Juan Antonio Ortega
Hardware and software supporting physiological measurement (HSPM-2022) 26 -28
Ángel Serrano Alarcón , Natividad Martínez Madrid , Ralf Seepold , Juan Antonio Ortega
Hardware and software supporting physiological measurement (HSPM-2022) 13 -15
Maksym Gaiduk , Ralf Seepold , Juan Antonio Ortega , Natividad Martínez Madrid
24rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2020), 16 - 18 September 2020, Verona, Italy, virtual; (Procedia Computer Science) 2341 -2349
Wilhelm Daniel Scherz , Juan Antonio Ortega , Ralf Seepold , Massimo Conti
EMBEC & NBC 2017: Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 2017 924 -927
Luis Miguel Soria Morillo , Wilhelm Daniel Scherz , Ralf Seepold , Juan Antonio Ortega
XVII Jornadas de ARCA 2015; Proceedings of the XVII ARCA Days-Conference on Qualitative Systems and Applications in Diagnosis, Robotics, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Cities, Vinaros, Spain, 23 to the 27 June 2015 32 -32
Natividad Martínez , Ralf Seepold , Juan Antonio Ortega
Juan Antonio Álvarez , Juan Antonio Ortega , Alejandro Fernández , Manuel D Cruz
Pedro J Abad , Antonio J Suárez , Juan Antonio Ortega , Rafael M Gasca
Computación y Sistemas 6 ( 2) 116 -129
Miguel Toro , Juan Antonio Ortega , Rafael M Gasca
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 4 ( 9) 45 -57
Juan Antonio Ortega
Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de México 11 ( 11)
Computación y Sistemas 6 ( 004)
Antonio Armario Garcia , Roser Nadal i Alemany
JA Ortega , RM Gasca , M Toro
JA Ortega , RM Gasca , M Toro
L Gonzalez-Abril , C Angulo , JA Ortega , JL Lopez-Guerra
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil-iations.
M González , M Mejías , MJ Escalona , JA Ortega
I Jornadas Dolmen. Sevilla
C Mataczynski , A Kazimierska , A Uryga , M Burzynska
A Fernandez-Montes , JA Ortega , M Muñoz Organero , V Cordoba Magaña
JARCA 2012 77 -77
Jornadas de ARCA Actas de XIV , FJ Ruiz , N Agell , JA Ortega
JARCA 2012 33 -33